Portal Home > Knowledgebase > How-to > Hosting > rTorrent and ruTorrent > Changing rTorrent version
You can change your current rTorrent version, which is the latest version by default, to the one you want to get running. You can check the versions available via SSH with the following command:
ls -ld /opt/rtorrent*
The version is after - (dash) so if there is rtorrent-0.9.6, the version is 0.9.6. If you want to use the older version you need to create a file ~/.config/.rtversion and put there the number of the version which you want to use. For example if you want to use rtorrent-0.9.4 you need to put into the file 0.9.4.
echo "0.9.4" > ~/.config/.rtversion
If you want to use another version, please change it in the command above. When you created the file, you need to restart rTorrent to get the required version running. If you want to use the latest version again, just remove the file and restart rTorrent.
rm -f ~/.config/.rtversion
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