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cfv installation

cfv is a command-line utility to both test and create .sfv(Simple File Verify), .csv, .crc, md5sum, bsd md5, sha1sum, and .torrent files.

Login to your SSH, here is article how to do this:


1. Firstly please use the following command:

mkdir -p ~/bin && echo "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

2. Now to download cfv:

cd && wget -q

3. Extract the file downloaded:

tar xvf 1.18.3/cfv-1.18.3.tar.gz

4. Now you need to edit ~/cfv-1.18.3/Makefile file:

nano ~/cfv-1.18.3/Makefile

Find the following line:


edit to:


Now press F3 and ENTER to save changes and F2 to exit.

5. Go to extracted cfv path:

cd ~/cfv-1.18.3

6. Now install it:

make && make install

cfv has been installed, to verify if everything is OK and to get help page, type:

cfv -h

If you have help page in return everything is OK.

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