Portal Home > Knowledgebase > How-to > Hosting > rTorrent and ruTorrent > Adding/Removing ruTorrent plugins
Every client can customize his ruTorrent configuration, add/remove plugins etc.
If you want to remove any plugin, you can do this via SSH with the following command:
rm -rf ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname)/$(whoami)/rutorrent/plugins/plugin_name
so if you want to remove "create" plugin this command should look like that:
rm -rf ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname)/$(whoami)/rutorrent/plugins/create
Login to SSH and go to ruTorrent plugins path:
cd ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname)/$(whoami)/rutorrent/plugins
To install any plugin you need to download it to this directory, we will download create plugin which was deleted before:
svn co http://rutorrent.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/create
If the plugin you want to have installed is compressed, you need to extract it in this directory. For example:
Download file:
wget http://srious.biz/nfo.tar.gz
tar xzfv nfo.tar.gz
Delete compressed file
rm nfo.tar.gz
The plugin has been installed.
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