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Deluge - troubleshooting

If you have a problem with your deluge you can restart it from your client area in our manager. Below we describe some useful tips.


ERROR: The connection to the webserver has been lost

If you run a lot of torrents and you often have this error, you need to use the thin client to manage your deluge.


ERROR: 404 Not Found

If you have this error when you go to your deluge URL, it means that deluge is down and you need to restart it.


Connection manager - restore configuration

First of all, you shouldn't interfere with this configuration. You mustn't do anything with this config, add anything etc. Everything is configured when deluge is installed.

If you somehow messed up your connection manager configuration or deleted it by mistake, you need to follow the steps below.


Go to your Connection Manager configuration and remove everything that you have there, then press "Add". In the window which pops up you need to type Hostname and Port only. Username and pass are not required.

Hostname it's

Port - you can check your deluge-daemon port via SSH with the following command:

echo -e "Your deluge-daemon port: \e[31m$(grep '"daemon_port": [0-9]*' ~/.config/deluge/core.conf | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}')\e[0m"


In return you will get something like that:

Your deluge-daemon port: 21005

In "Port" you need to write your deluge-daemon port.


Now press "Add", then click on the address added in the Connection Manager window and press "Start Daemon" if it's not started. When it connects, you can press "Connect". If everything is OK you will connect to your deluge-WebUI.



Restarting deluge via SSH

If your deluge has crashed or frozen and you want to restart it in shell, please follow the following instruction:


First check if deluge is up with command:

ps --User $(whoami) | grep deluged

If it returns anything, it means that deluge is up, otherwise deluge is down.

If it's up you need to kill deluge process with the following command:

kill -9 $(ps --User $(whoami) | grep deluged | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')

Check if it's down

ps --User $(whoami) | grep deluged

No return so deluge is down and now you can start it with the command:


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