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Product Configuration

The product/service you have chosen has the following configuration options for you to choose from.


Dedicated hosting - DediBOX1 10GB
CPU - Intel E3-1230v5 8 x 3.4GHz
Memory RAM - 32 GB
8TB SSD (2 x 4TB SSD in raid0) + 36TB HDD (2 x 18TB in raid0)
Bandwidth - 10 Gbps dedicated
Traffic - 100TiB

NOTE: with this dedicated hosting we don't offer root access.

Billing Cycle

Additional Required Information

This product/service requires some additional information from you to allow us to process your order.

Username which you will have for your service. Can't be changed later. Min. 3 max. 16 characters, small letters only.
Password with which you will access your service. Can be changed anytime. Min. 12 max. 30 characters.

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